Sarah Halstead said...
I am following you and I tweeted about your giveaway @sarahmhalstead. Sarah, I will contact you today to get your details.
I used to make purses, seriously. The only problem was 1 bag would take all day long and nobody wanted to pay more then 40 dollars for one. So not only was I losing a day but I was also losing money as It cost more than 40 dollars to make one of these. So I put the purse thing aside but never really forgot about it.

I personally don't carry a purse. I don't for many reasons but the main one is I will have an ADD moment and leave it behind. Its a tried and true tested fact about myself, I am not a good "carrier of things". So for the last few months I have been toying with making different bags. I really love the messenger style of bags, but they were way to big for me. Although they do come in handy at the post office when I need to put my envelopes somewhere.

Ok .. So to Enter..
Leave me a comment. Tell me the worst Christmas gift you ever received. Mine was a hideous pink watch that looked like it came from Hannah Montana..and it was broken.. ummm last year... I'm sure you received something that really just made you think.. Does *add gift givers name here* know me at all?? Tell me all about it!
You can follow me on Twitter, if you already do, you can Tweet this giveaway for an entry
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Leave a separate comment for each entry, So I can count them up accurately
Also, If your commenting, And this is very important!!! Please leave me your email if you don't have a blogger account.. I need to be able to tell you that you are a WINNER!
Don't forget, The last day to Order any products at Designs by Jessie is the 20th. There is a 30% off Sale going on right now, and All orders this week will be entered to win my fabulous (pat myself on my back) American Jane Quilt.